Joe Sparrow / Illustrator - Animator - Designer / 07758224292 /

Sunday, 11 September 2011

odolwa: masked jungle warrior

Inspired by my friend's recent Majora's Mask fanart and my girlfriend playing the game for the first time. Might do some more, the bosses in this game are pretty and I feel like doing more fanart.


I used to give Majora's Mask a lot of props over its elder, more mainstream sibling Ocarina of Time (that name sounds more stupid every time I read it), but I think after a while I started worrying that my rabid appreciation for the notably "edgier" MM was probably just a contrary sort of nostalgia. However! I'm watching Blanca play it now and it's been just long enough that a lot of the character design (and the design of the story in general) is actually really appealing to me.


Most of the character design in OoT is simple and recogniseable (princess looks like a princess, bad guy looks like a bad guy, Link looks like... Link), but the incidental characters you meet just around in towns and stuff could sometimes be pretty funny (or creepy) in a way that makes them stick out a little bit. Majora's is a famously sidequest-heavy game, and what's more it doesn't have the standard fairy tale Princess/Hero/Bad Guy triad (which the other games go so far as to fucking canonise), which essentially removes all of the boring characters (except Link, who is well-known to be a characterless player vehicle). They take some of these weird little side characters who would usually stand around forever in town X continuously repeating the same line (then they go and design a lot of new ones) and then give them this amazing groundhog day cycle to play around in.


I can't really stress how good an idea this is - by simply adding a restriction to the timespan of the game, by putting it in parentheses, this actually gives the characters such a vast amount of life, it allows them to move and change and fight and trade and get married and do a lot of the things people actually do. It doesn't matter that the whole story is only three days long - it rids the game of that weirdest of tropes that almost all videogames by necessity fall prey to - the paradox of infinite time, something that I feel is possibly one of the most well established and subtlest ways to kill peoples' immersion.

Photobucket Photobucket

But yeah, the character design is also fucking amazing, the lack of pressure in this obviously being a B team title completely freed up whatever artists worked on it and they just went crazy and it's just beautiful to watch. And it's funny how much the gamecube incarnation rips it off, especially since Wind Waker pretty much holds the sole status of "artsy game" among the Zelda brethren.


Chris Zammit said...

this is seriously awesome, feel like i've been in limbo drawing wise, been blown away recently by seeing Catherine unger's stuff also you and blanca's DnD blog is crazy good, just saw adam's work on deviantart love it. amazing stuff.

tldr: cool drawing bro

Joe Sparrow said...

thanks man, your recent splurge of amazing drawings has also been very inspirational! i just need to start myself into another period of productivity.

Chris Zammit said...

cheers, i just try to draw atleast one thing a day good or bad innit :)

Catherine Unger said...
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Catherine Unger said...

That jungle warrior Seriously good Joe. Damn you!!
The art for this game taught me that black shadows on characters are actually okay to do and is not always limited to ground shadows. I just sat there colour copying everything from the booklet like a loser child.

Joe Sparrow said...

Yes! I agree catherine, it definitely can be done if you're careful. The work by THIS director is also a really good example. I wish i did more copying stuff when i was little, usually i would try and draw something once, then abandon it because I wouldn't be able to get it right! Hence me finding everything so difficult today.